Zone’s spring season starts on Monday 8 January 2024 in Malmi, Myllypuro, Myyrmäki and Tikkurila campuses and 15th January 2024 in Pasila. Read more about our services on our website.
We have updated our terms of service and maximum amount of reservations at gym to better match the size of the gyms. You can see the maximum reservation amount in the reservation calendar or the OnTheMove application. Depending on the gym, there can be a maximum of 6-10 people reserved for shifts at the same time. Malmi’s gym is also used by non-Zone customers, so the booking calendar only shows the maximum of Zone’s bookings. If your gym workout lasts more than an hour, please book two shifts, because almost all shifts are one hour long.
If you are participating in a group exercise class, please arrive on time. It is not allowed to attend the guided class late for safety and training peace. If you will you might be asked to leave. Please take your training partners into account and respect the instructor by leaving your phone in the locker room.
If you participate in a water exercise class in Metropolia Myllypuro, you can use the changing and washing facilities in the pool area. The passage takes place from the end of the corridor in the pool area. The doors open 15 minutes before the start of the class and lock when the class starts. Note that there might be previous/following group using changing and washing facilities as well. Please wash yourself before entering the pool so that the pool remains in use and does not have to be closed for disinfection.
The courses and sport trials are available at Kide.App. Please remember to sign up soon since there are only limited amount of places and the registration ends mostly two weeks before the course/sport trial begins.
Follow our social media channels, @zonesportsfi on Instagram and Zone sports services on Facebook, and you will be up to date on current affairs.